Category: Extended Reviews

DC Trinity 5

Batman V Superman Review

In a strange twist of fate, it seems like the overly harsh critics who have been ripping Batman V Superman to shreds have actually created positive fan reactions. The first reason for this...


Life is Strange

I really wanted to like this game. While it’s not a game in the traditional sense, the industry has evolved to the point where we have games like Life is Strange. I hopped...


Straight Outta Compton

N.W.A. was easily the most polarizing group to help evolve rap to the status it’s at now. As a fan of their music, fans will not be disappointed with how the meteoric rise...

Batman Nightwing Robin 0

Batman Arkham Knight Review

My nights of not getting anything done are finally at an end…by that I mean that I have finally beaten Batman: Arkham Knight. It blew through my life like a hurricane. Having to...

Ex Machina 0

Ex Machina

It’s incredible how much first time director Alex Garland does with so little in Ex Machina. The movie focuses on three main actors, one central location and almost no action. The film itself...


Jurassic World

Just for once I’d like a Jurassic Park sequel to not be underwhelming. Jurassic World was released recently and it falls into the curse of the sequels. This may get spoiler heavy so...

Avengers Assemble 0

Avengers: Age of Ultron

In many ways the Avengers: Age of Ultron is superior to its predecessor. The pace is much faster with almost no lag time. The character development is markedly improved in characters such as...

It Follows 0

It Follows Review

If it’s following you, then the only way to get rid of it is to have sex with someone and pass it on so that it will follow another person. That’s the creepy...

Bilbo and Gandalf 1

The Hobbit Trilogy Review

by: J.D. Cook The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring is my all-time favorite movie and the Hobbit is one of my favorite books so I was naturally very excited...