The Void

I’ve been on a serious H.P. Lovecraft kick lately. So, when someone told me the Void was right up that geek alley, I decided to check it out. It’s a relatively indie flick, and that tickled my heart. Something about big budgets robs a horror movie of its horror. Just look at Alien: Covenant, where the CGI Alien looks kind of cute in a few scenes. The setup is equally fun, as a small cast of characters ends up trapped in a mostly abandoned hospital surrounded by Cultists. Unfortunately, the film seemed to lose its focus about halfway through. While the practical effect driven monsters were fun, while hidden in shadow, the film needed more plot. There were too many questions left at the end of the film, and not the spooky great unknown kind. It also felt more in the vein of Hellraiser body horror then Lovecraft, to me. Despite those nitpicks, if you like independent horror you should support and watch this film.