Free Comic Book Day 2015

It’s that day of the year again! The one day a year when you can trek to your local comic shop and get free comics! Seriously, totally free! It’s pretty amazing and I’ve had some great personal adventures on Free Comic Book Day stretching back to 2010 but I’m here to direct you to your local comic store today because I’m already out looking for some myself. I’ll be hitting up my local store Susquehanna Comics! Afterwards I may even venture out to another local store called Comix Connection. If you are in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area, those are both two great comic stores to check out but if you aren’t in my neck of the woods you can always use the Comic Shop Locator to find somewhere to visit and get free comics.
I know what you are saying, that’s great but what kind of stories am I getting? Well this year has got better releases than ever before. Dark Horse is giving away copies of their Fight Club comic written by the book scribe himself Chuck Palahniuk. DC’s releasing a nifty little preview of the upcoming Batman as well as other exciting new stories. Marvel is giving away issue 0 of Secret Wars, to prep your for their big event. Newcomer Titan Comics is giving away a special Dr. Who comic. If you need some comedy in your life Dynamite Entertainment has got a Bob’s Burgers comic and Bongo Comics has a Simpsons story written by Matt Groening. There is really something for everyone and that’s just some of the comics being released today. For more information on free comic book day be sure to check out the Free Comic Book Day Website. If I haven’t convinced you to go get free comics yet maybe these celebrities will!?
Like Mark Hamill…Luke Skywalker himself!
Or Robin Lord Taylor…the Penguin?
What about Jay from Clerks!?
I hear you…you also wanna hear it from Comic Book Men!?
Are you still reading this? Why? Get out there and go track down some free comic books today!